Modules for the course include: 5 days
MMA Welding for Pipefitting
Equipment Used in MMA Welding
Hazards and Safety Precautions Associated With MMA Welding
Identify Weld Defects and Their Causes
Weld various Fillet and Groove weld positions / joints.
Weld a vertical-up butt joint.
Weld an overhead fillet joint.
Weld 1G, 2G, 5G, 4G positions
Modules for the course include: 8 days
Use Metal Inert Gas (MIG) welding to weld different types of metals.
Use Metal Inert Gas welding (MIG) equipment to weld various welding positions.
Short description of the most common welding processes
GMAW equipments and consumables
Welding position and torch manipulations
Modules for the course include: 8 days
TIG Overview
Types of Welding Current used for TIG
Characteristics of Current Types for Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
TIG Hand piece (TIG Torch)
Selecting the Correct Torch Nozzle
Tungsten Selection and Preparation
Tungsten Colour Code and Proper Torch Use
Shield Gas Selection and Use
Typical Manual GTA (TIG Welding Parameters)
Guide for Shield Gas Flows, Current Settings and Cup Selection
Correct Torch and Rod Positioning
Recognizing Your Tungsten
Operator Inspection for Weld Quality
TIG Troubleshooting Guide
Modules for the course include: 5 days
Principles of Operation and Welding safety
Equipment Setup, Operation, and Shut Down
Welding Procedure Variables
Welding Discontinuities and Problems
Understand torch lighting procedures.
Identify cutting techniques.